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Maluan Subdistrict Women’s Day activity unites Chinese and expats

Updated: 2024-03-08
Source: Shenzhen Daily


Chinese and expat women hold lights crafted by themselves at a gathering activity March 7 in Maluan Subdistrict to mark International Women's Day. Photos courtesy of the event organizer

The New Era Civilization Practice Center of Maluan Subdistrict hosted a heartwarming gathering of Chinese and expat women March 7 to mark International Women’s Day. The event, a night light making activity, was a celebration of unity, cultural exchange, and solidarity. 

The organizer expressed hope that more people recognize and honor the strength and value of women, while advocating for the advancement of gender equality and the protection of women’s rights and interests. Participants happily engaged in crafting intricately designed night lights shaped like small pots of tulips, symbolizing beauty and grace.


Keyth Cristina Nascimento Guimaraes (R) and a Chinese resident craft a light together.


Natalya Li (front) crafts a light during the March 7 activity.

During the activity, both Chinese and foreign women bonded over shared experiences and emphasized the importance of cross-cultural integration. They spoke about how despite hailing from different nations with diverse cultural backgrounds, the act of crafting lights together fostered deeper understanding and friendship among them.

Maria Alice Repo from Finland expressed her delight in joining her Chinese friends in celebrating International Women’s Day. She conveyed a sense of achievement in making a beautiful tulip night light by herself. With heartfelt wishes, she extended warm greetings for a joyous International Women’s Day, and a fulfilling life to women worldwide. 


Maria Alice Repo (L) crafts a light with a Chinese resident at the activity.


Sherraine Hazel (L) crafts a light with Chinese residents at the activity.

Emphasizing the significance of perseverance and empowerment, Keyth Cristina Nascimento Guimaraes from Brazil shared inspiring words, saying, “As a woman, I would like to say don’t give up your dreams and always fight to be the best person, the best woman, because we have a great power as a woman, and try to be the best person. You can be the best woman for everyone close to you, your family, or your friends.”

Sherraine Hazel from South Africa echoed these sentiments, urging women to embrace confidence and resilience, stating, “I’d like to say to other girls and women that we should always be more encouraged to rise above and not be afraid to do anything because I think women are capable of doing everything as long as we put our minds to it. We just need to have the confidence that we can do anything.”


Chinese and expat women hold lights crafted by themselves at the March 7 activity.